Tag Archives: Treasure Island

The Countdown Continues

Those who have been following the saga of pregnant Janet and Baby Jack might be surprised that he has still not made an appearance. Janet and I are surprised too.

As I documented before, Janet had a minor procedure early in the pregnancy. The plan was at week 37 the procedure would be reversed. Our OB told us that on average the baby would come 2 or 3 days after that reversal. So, last Monday it happened and we spent the week on pins and needles assuming real labor would begin at any time. Nonetheless 2 or 3 days became a week and yesterday we returned to the doctor. “I bet you didn’t expect to see us today,” I laughed.

All is well with Janet and the baby and so the doctor said to keep on keeping on and if it didn’t happen this week to come back next Monday and there might be a discussion about inducing.

Janet is doing well but she’s tired and sore and we are both a little bit impatient. We suspect that Janet has created such a nice environment for the baby that he’s not been anxious to leave. But leave he must – and soon, I hope.

Everyone asks if we are ready and we respond that we are as ready as we know how to be. We read Jack books, play music to him, play his toys with him, and show him movies. I have been frantically downloading favorite animated and kids movies and showing them to Janet and Jack. I give running commentary to Jack. Janet’s lived long enough with me to know that such movie commentaries don’t mean I am crazy – well, not completely.

We’ve watched all the Disney classics, much of the Pixar library, and children’s live action movies from Old Yeller to Treasure Island. Janet didn’t much care for the latter but I assured her that the boy would; the book was my fave as a kid and am looking forward to reading it to Jack – when he’s a bit older. I am anal enough to insist that I have to get the N.C. Wyeth illustrated version (see the illustration above), which is a small fortunate on Amazon, but it’s what I had as a kid and what I read to my son Julian, when he was old enough.

BTW, for those living in the Philippines, Amazon now ships many of its items for free to the Philippines; that is if you order a minimum of $49. This will be dangerous for us. Bezos is already planning a new Weisbord-funded wing to his mansion.

Tonight’s movie was the eclectic Fantastic Mr. Fox, though I suspect it might be a few years before that will hold Jack’s attention. But I figured it’s never too early to be exposed to Wes Anderson, so…

I have to say Janet has been extraordinary. I know that everything hurts. Her hands and feet are swollen like out of a sci fi movie. She walks a lot and accurately jokes that she waddles more than walks.

Our Yaya (nursemaid) has settled into life in the Weisbord compound and I am sure she also can’t wait for Jack to arrive. In the meantime she gardens; it certainly runs in the family.

I haven’t left the house without Janet in a couple weeks, figuring if I do, that will be the moment it will happen. Janet tries to encourage me to go play golf or have a beer with friends but I can’t bring myself to take a chance. The golf course will still be there a week or so after the baby arrives and it won’t be long before I am bringing him along. I figure if I train him right by 5 he can start caddying for his old man!